Welcome to Our Roman Catholic Community |
to the website of our Roman Catholic Community of Brownville and
Dexter, New York. The Catholic Community of Brownville
and Dexter was formed in December 2004 as a result of the merger
between the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Brownville and
St. Elizabeth Seton Church in Dexter. The two parishes had been
joined under one pastor since 1959. Both parishes brought rich histories
to the formation of the new parish.
The Linked Parish is Saint Andrew’s in Sackets Harbor. |
Mission Statement |
the people of the Roman Catholic Community of Brownville and Dexter,
in communion with the Diocese of Ogdensburg, through the grace and
life of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, celebrate our
mission to help people know, understand and live the gospel: to
love and serve one another in our daily lives, to reach out to those
in need, to those who have fallen away from the practice of their
faith and to those who have no church community. We hope to become
the hands, feet and heart of Christ to our families, our communities
and our world. |
Where We Are Located |
Roman Catholic Community of Brownville and Dexter.
Rectory Office
119 West Main Street
PO Box 99
Brownville NY 13615
Phone: (315)782-1143 |

Roman Catholic Community of Brownville &
119 W. Main Street
PO Box 99
Brownville NY 13615
Phone: (315)782-1143
Fr. Donald Robinson
Marilynn Hibbard
Saturday Masses
IC, Brownville
4:00 PM
Sunday Masses
IC, Brownville
9:00 AM
SA, Sackets Harbor
10:30 AM
Daily Masses
IC - Brownville
12 Noon on M
5:30 PM on W
SA - Sackets Harbor
9:00 AM on T and Th
SA - Sackets Harbor
First Sunday of each month after 10:30 Mass
IC - Brownville
Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM
Sundays at 8:30-8:45 AM