Immaculate Conception Parish
Contact Us
Pastoral Team
History of IC
History of the Churches
100th Anniversary Mass
Faith Formation
Bereavement Committee
Diocese Newsletter
Calendar of Events
Weekly Bulletin
Current and Recent Bulletins
Immaculate Conception ChurchBAPTISM - Arrangements for the Sacrament of Baptism may be made during a Pre-Baptismal meeting with the Pastor. Please call (315) 782-1143 for more information.

MARRIAGE - Arrangements for receiving the Sacrament of Marriage must be made at least six months in advance. Please contact the Rectory to arrange for interviews, to reserve the date, etc. 

FIRST RECONCILIATION and FIRST EUCHARIST (COMMUNION) are coordinated through our Faith Formation program. Please call Mrs. Corey at (315) 788-7240 for more information.

CONFIRMATION for students in grade 8 are also coordinated through our Christian Formation program. Please call Mrs. Corey at (315) 788-7240 for more information.

RCIA - If you are interested in becoming a Catholic you are invited to participate in the RCIA program. The program will meet two Monday evenings per month in the Parish Center. The first meeting is scheduled for the second Monday in September. Please contact the Pastor at (315) 782-1143 for more information.

RECONCILIATION - For opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliaton, please refer to the panel at the right for dates and times listed under Reconciliation.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK - The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a very important part of hospital spiritual care. Due to the busy pastoral schedule at the hospital and the new privacy laws, please call the Parish Office before being admitted, if possible.
RCC of Brownville & Dexter

Roman Catholic Community of Brownville & Dexter
119 W. Main Street
PO Box 99
Brownville NY 13615
Phone:  (315)782-1143
Fr. Donald Robinson
Marilynn Hibbard
Saturday Masses
IC, Brownville
4:00 PM
Sunday Masses
IC, Brownville
9:00 AM
SA, Sackets Harbor
10:30 AM
Daily Masses
IC - Brownville
12 Noon on M
5:30 PM on W
SA - Sackets Harbor
9:00 AM on T and Th

SA - Sackets Harbor
First Sunday of each month after 10:30 Mass
IC - Brownville
Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM
Sundays at 8:30-8:45 AM

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